For additional information: Album of Oldies / Gillham, Elizabeth McClure Early Settlement of King / Gillham, Elizabeth McClure Timeless King Tweedsmuir History: Laskay
Laskay is located on the 6th concession between the King sideroad and the King-Vaugan townline. The name Laskay was given to the area by Joseph Baldwin, a pioneer of the 1830s, in honour of his native “Loskey” (Loskie), in Yorkshire, England. The present spelling of the name came into use about 1861. The settlement was nicknamed “Bulltown”. One of the stories states that at the annual Fall Fair, a bull broke loose and charged the crowd. Joseph Baldwin and David Reesor divided Laskay into two parts, east and west. Joseph Baldwin had the east side and included a grist mill, a carding and finishing mill and the Laskay Emporium store. The west side development began in 1856 when David Reesor of Markham subdivided fifty acres on the west side of the 6th concession. In this area a sawmill, plaster mill, turning lathe mill for making chairs and beds, a tailor shop, store, butcher shop, slaughter house and barber shop were erected. The first store in Laskay was built in 1845 on the northeast corner of Mill Road and concession 6 by Joseph Baldwin. It was generally known as “Laskay Emporium.” In 1960, the historic Emporium was donated to the Metropolitan Toronto and Region Conservation Authority by Mr. & Mrs. Robert Arbuckle and moved to Black Creek Pioneer Village.
Laskay looking north